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Join Our Community!

We are excited to have your family join our community. NZSJ seeks to admit students who we believe will thrive in our environment. As we see education as a partnership between the school, students and their families, we aim to understand your family's goals and values with regards to education to make sure that we are the right school for your family. To that end, our admissions process is as follows:


1. Visit, tour and trial: Nothing beats coming and seeing our School for yourself and, better yet, giving your child the opportunity to trial at our School to make sure that this will be an environment in which they will be happy and comfortable. Thus, we recommend that your first step be a 'Discovery Chat' (online or in person) with our Head of School, a tour of the School and chat with our teachers, and trial for your child. We also recognize that younger children in particular may need a bit more time to feel comfortable in a new setting so we are happy to provide an extended trial as needed. You can schedule a Discovery Chat with our Head of School, tour and/or trial by filling out the form at the bottom of this page or contacting Ibu Yolla, our Admissions Officer, at the number and email provided in the Contact Us page. Please do not hesitate to ask questions at this stage of the process. Information on your child's grade placement, school fees and our academic calendar for the year can be found at the links.


2. Application: Once you have decided that NZSJ is the right school for your child, please contact our Admissions Office for an application form. Admission into NZSJ is by assessment and is designed to make sure that we are the right school for your child to thrive. A non-refundable application fee is to be paid upon submission of the application form.


3. Assessment process: If your child undertakes a trial, the class teacher will undertake an in-class assessment. Depending on the particular circumstances of the child and grade s/he is entering, s/he may be required to sit an aptitude test as well. The School may also request reference letters from previous schools. 


4. Confirmation of registration: Based on the assessment, the School will then offer your child a place in an Offer Letter. The place is confirmed once payment of the Annual Development Levy and first tuition is made as per the Offer Letter. 

Kindly fill out the form below. Our Admissions Officer will contact you at your preferred contact time.

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